Not every public health disaster can be described in numbers.
From its beginning, They Go to Die been more than just a documentary on tuberculosis and HIV in the mining industry. It has been a movement of understanding, compassion, and family. Stepping away from the discussion of disease, our goal is to show this complex issue in the broader context of life, family, and relationships.
About TB and HIV in the South African gold mining industry

The trailer, poetry, and other clips on mining, TB, and HIV

Wherever you live, we have ways for you to get involved.

That the work we are doing is making an actual difference

We are currently working to build a network of HIV, TB, M(X)DR-TB, and human rights organizations, as well as motivated individuals, in order to increase awareness, promote access to essential medicines, secure financial stability for completion of the project, and most importantly, translate our research into change. If you are interested in supporting the film, please click here to find out more information.
Our Awards

International Tuberculosis Survival Prize
TB Survival Project/Lilly MDR-TB Partnership

Lowell S. Levin Award for Excellence in Global Health
Yale University

Global Health Initiative Field Experience Award
Yale University
Our Partners
Continuing Our Work:
Let Miners Speak for Themselves

Voices Campaign
We are a group of epidemiologists, doctors, and public health officials and we understand the extent of the epidemic on through data. But we would never dare to claim we understand it entirely. Policies and guidelines have serious and pragmatic consequences – the Voices Campaign seeks to combine epidemiological and medical expertise with the expertise of lived experience in order to provide a more complete picture of the situation.
- Project Design Completed 100%
- Project Implementation Completed 80%
- Project Launch Completed 50%