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I was a former TB patient. The disease is the easiest to deal with but it’s the society’s attitude against TB victims that has been excruciatingly unbearable.
Thank you very much Jonathan.
Well I guess it depends on how you define human rights. Would TB treatment not have higher success rates if infectious patients were detained, by force if necessary, until their treatment was complete?
Patricia Nelson on February 9, 2012 at 1:01 PM
In the US, that right (and practice) already exists. Counties sometimes force people to remain in sanitoriums until they are cured, if they don’t adhere to treatment until they are cured. This is very costly to the counties, and could be the one reason that more attention could be given to TB worldwide. Many immigrants who come here (such as refugees) get treatment for their TB. If we don’t find a way to successfully treat it, the cost of only 1 case could bankrupt a county. So the same reasons that Johnathan says are preventing us from really implementing what will work to provide a cure could be the drive to do just that — financial.
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india a third world country there are mdr tb xdrtb and xxdrtb and now tdr totally drug resistant tb a misery of dots in india.